Worship Ministries
Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!
- PSALMS 95:6
St. Michael’s hopes to reach each parishioner in meaningful worship which will grow our church as well as grow our members’ love of Christ. We offer many ways for parishioners to participate in the worship service based on their talents and availability. Please grow in your faith and understanding of Christ’s love and the Episcopal faith by contributing to the worship service.
Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! - PSALMS 95:6
St. Anne’s Altar Guild
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Intercessors and Lectors
Flower Guild
St. Anne’s Altar Guild
St. Anne’s Altar Guild comprises the warm, wonderful people who faithfully prepare the altar for each service in the church and chapel. Altar Guild members are responsible for the care of candles, linens, silver, gold, brass, glass and wood used in the sacraments of worship services. Many of these items have been given in memory of cherished members. Altar Guild service facilitates the work of the clergy, in celebrating Sunday and weekly Eucharistic services, baptisms, weddings, and funeral and memorial services.
Please contact the church office. if you are interested in joining this ministry.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Visitors at St. Michael’s are trained to carry the sacraments to the homebound or hospitalized members of the congregation who are unable to attend church services on Sunday. They are licensed by our Diocesan Bishop. The LEV’s rotate based upon availability.
If you are interested in serving St. Michael’s in this ministry, please contact the church office.
Intercessors and Lectors
St. Michael’s Lectors are lay readers that participate in the Liturgy of the Word during worship service. Lectors read the Old Testament (First Lesson) and Epistle (Second Lesson) readings. Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People during worship.
If you would like to serve in this capacity, please contact the church office.
St. Michael’s Flower Guild provides fresh flower arrangements in the church and chapel each week. We offer on-the-job training by the more experienced members and we always welcome new members. Workshops are also available to improve skills and introduce new techniques.
The Flower Guild is supported by your generous gifts to celebrate and memorialize occasions and loved ones. We strive to make each week as special as the last, relying on reserves created by a yearly fund-raiser to cover weeks when there is no sponsorship.
If you would like to join the Flower Guild, please contact us at Flower Guild.
Coffee Hour Hosts
Supplemental Seasonal Services
Pew Angels
Greeters and Ushers
Coffee Hour Hosts
Coffee Hour Hosts serve coffee, tea, lemonade, doughnuts and other yummy treats to allow for fellowship immediately after the 10:15 service in Quigley Hall. As a weekly service, we are always in need of hosts for coffee hour.
If you are interested in hosting coffee hour, please contact the church office.
Supplemental Seasonal Services
During certain liturgical seasons we celebrate additional services lead by parishioners, including Morning Prayer during Advent and Lent and Stations of the Cross in Lent. We encourage you to take part in or lead these services, as you are called. It is another opportunity to share and strengthen your faith. Please contact the church office for details.
Pew Angels
Pew Angels stock the church pews with pencils, children’s Doodle Pads, prayer cards, offering envelopes, and welcome cards, align the prayer books and hymnals, and remove and discard remaining bulletins and debris from the pews and racks.
If you are interested in serving in this ministry please contact the church office.
Greeters and Ushers
Greeters and Ushers present a welcoming environment, which encourages a Spirit-filled worship service. St. Michael’s Vestry members each serve as Head Usher for one month per year. Greeters and Ushers are recruited or assigned each week. Greeters welcome newcomers and parishioners and provide information on St. Michael’s church outside of the church before the 10:15 service. Ushers disperse bulletins, offer assistance to the elderly and handicapped, pass the offering plates, and assist communicants during communion, remove distractions, provide directions, and are attentive to the immediate needs of all of the worshippers during the service to ensure a prayerful, contemplative and joyful church service.
If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact the church office.
Alb Ministry
The Acolyte Guild ministers at the altar on Sundays and special occasions. Our crucifers, torchbearers, bells and other altar servers provide an indispensable service to St. Michael’s. Young parishioners from grades 3 through 12, who feel a called to serve in this ministry, are encouraged to become an acolyte.
We are always in need of acolytes to support the beautiful Episcopal services at St. Michael’s.
If you are interested in participating in this ministry please contact the church office.
Alb Ministry
This ministry cares for and cleans the white robes (Albs) worn by the acolytes and lay ministers during the worship service. This is an extremely important ministry at St. Michael’s and is well-suited to those parishioners with limited time availability. The garments are washed three times per year … Advent, Lent and summer. No ironing necessary!
If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please contact the church office.