Becoming a Member
Steps to Membership
“Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome and accept you, and we trust God to take you where God wants you in God’s timing. We want to be a safe place for you to experience God’s grace, love and presence with us. Welcome home, beloved.”
Father Rick
If you choose St. Michael’s as your regular place of worship, we encourage you to become a member of the parish to allow full participation in all aspects of the parish life and governance. To become a member of the parish you need to be baptized and have your Baptism registered in the parish records, to be a Confirmed Communicant in Good Standing, at least 16 years old or older of age and be “faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God” (National Canon 1.3) wanting to make a commitment to St. Michael’s as your church home.
If you are new to the Episcopal Church, or have been away from the Episcopal Church for a period of time, and are interested in membership, we can assist you with the necessary steps, or verification, of Baptism, Confirmation and commitment to St. Michael’s as your parish home, as they apply to you.
Membership in St. Michael’s as an adult Communicant in Good Standing is required to hold an office in the governing bodies of the parish.