Scouts BSA (Girl Troop 200)

In 2019, BSA renamed the iconic Scouting Program from “Boy Scouts” to “Scouts BSA” and allowed girls to join for the first time. In 2020, St. Michael’s chartered Scouts BSA Girl Troop 200 as a linked Troop to Scouts BSA Boy Troop 200. We are excited to share the Scouting experience, including the opportunity to earn the Eagle Scout Rank, with more youth. Our goal is to train girls to learn, grow and become responsible citizens who live by and are committed to the Scout Oath and Law.

Troop 200 is a girl-led troop, which means our Scouts plan and lead their Scouts BSA experiences. We believe Scouting provides a unique and transformative environment to develop leadership, character, citizenship and promote personal fitness. We have dedicated Adult Leaders who provide a safe and encouraging environment for the Scouts to try new things, reach their full potential and follow the principles of the Scout Oath and Law. We are grateful to our linked Scouts BSA Boy Troop for helping get us started and guiding us as we get our feet wet.

Camping will be a large component of the Troop 200 experience, providing important opportunities for girls to apply their acquired Scouting skills and gain an appreciation of the outdoors. Our Troop plans to camp every month during the school year. The Troop also works on merit badges as a group. We’ve already done Fingerprinting and are looking forward to Fishing and Archery.

During the summer, we plan to attend Summer Camp at Camp Woodruff in the beautiful Georgia mountains alongside our linked Troop. We hope to be able to offer a high adventure “Big Trip” to Philmont, Sea Base, Summit Bechtel or the Boundary Waters on the beautiful lakes in Minnesota.

The 2020/2021 year will be challenging as we deal with the ramifications of the coronavirus. Fortunately, our Chartered Organization, St. Michael’s Church, is allowing us to meet in person, as long as we follow safety protocols. The Troop has made several modifications in order to keep everyone safe, but we are still planning fun activities such as camping, kayaking and fishing to allow Scouts to get outdoors and have some fun.

Troop 200’s success in developing girls depends on the participation of dedicated parents or family members who volunteer their time and talents to help the Troop function. We expect all adults to volunteer in some capacity, but don’t worry.  is something for everyone! We offer various opportunities for adult volunteers, each requiring different gifts, skills, and time commitments.

Thank you to St. Michael`s for being our Chartered Organization, for chartering Girl Troop 200 this year and for supporting Scouting for 60 years! Thank you to Scouts BSA Boy Troop 200 for providing guidance as we get off the ground. Thank you to our parent volunteers for their time and commitment to the Scouting program. Finally, thank you to parents for allowing us to be involved in your daughter’s development. Her involvement in Scouting will influence her for the rest of her life, and her (and your) experiences will be priceless.

Erik Olson

Scoutmaster, Troop 200G

Tara Russakov & Jennifer Anderson

Assistant Scoutmasters, Troop 200G

Scout Oath

On my honor, I will do my best

Scout Law

A Scout is: Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.

Helpful links:

Scout Oath & Law

Central Florida Council, BSA:

Information on the various Scouting programs: