Outreach is more than just a buzzword; it is a way of being Christian– it is an orientation to the world. It summarizes everything we do to help God’s kingdom become a reality here on earth.
⦁ food for the hungry.
⦁ clean water for the thirsty.
⦁ clothing for the naked.
⦁ shelter for the homeless.
⦁ freedom for the oppressed.
⦁ dignity for the downtrodden.
In other words, outreach is everything that Jesus is calling us to do. As the hands and feet of Jesus, we believe that with God’s help, we can make a difference in the world.
Everything we do as a church is about transforming lives. “In-reach” is how we take care of those who call St. Michael’s their church home. “Out-reach” is how we take care of everyone else. Ultimately, however, we believe that there is no distinction between the two.
In our Baptismal Covenant we vow that we will do the following with God’s help:
⦁ PROCLAIM by word and example the Good News of God in Christ
⦁ SEEK and SERVE Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as yourself
⦁ STRIVE for justice and peace among all people and respect the dignity of every human being.
Contact Mike Robertson in the church office by emailing [email protected] for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I am in need?
If you are in need, whether you are a member of our St. Michael’s family or not, please call the church office and make an appointment to speak with Mike. We will do our best to help by working with you to find available resources in our community. All are welcome.
I have items I’d like to donate. What should I do?
Contact Mike [email protected]
Click here for donation instructions and needs.
I’d like to serve, but I’m not sure where or what would be a good fit.
Let’s chat! Before coming to St. Michael’s, Mike worked in the nonprofit space for 10 years. He has lots of experience helping folks find their passion for serving and matching them to opportunities at organizations that are a great fit. Call the office or email him directly at [email protected]
Over thirty years ago, two women from St. Michael’s started making food in their kitchen to distribute to the homeless. Working from a card table on a street corner, in a few weeks their ministry had grown to the point where they asked the priest of the church if it would be ok to use the church’s kitchen to prepare meals.
From that kitchen and card table to our kitchen today, hundreds of thousands of meals have been served to those in need.
Do you want to help cook?
We meet every Monday and Tuesday morning to prep and cook the Tuesday Evening Dinner at the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida.
If you can chop up veggies or otherwise help with prep, please come to the Quigley Hall Kitchen at 8 am Monday or Tuesday for a quick orientation. Cooking finishes each day by noon or earlier, however any time you have is appreciated!
Would you like to serve a meal?
We also have opportunities to serve the meals that we prepare each Tuesday evening from 4pm – 7pm. Volunteers at the Coalition must sign up on their website and consent to a background check before serving. To find out more about this specific opportunity, please visit https://volunteer.samaritan.com/custom/518/opp_details/4931
There are also many other opportunities to give your time at the Coalition. From Guest Services to the Youth Innovation Program; you will be a blessing wherever you are called. Please visit this link for more information: https://volunteer.samaritan.com/custom/518/volunteer_home
Our Good News Garden grows herbs and veggies for The Gathering. We need folks that are willing to weed, feed and water our plants, as well as someone to communicate with the gathering as to their needs and preferences for what to grow.
If you are interested in working in our garden, please contact Mike at [email protected] Our Good News Garden is a part of the Agrarian Ministries of the Episcopal Church. To find out more about these programs please visit: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/good-news-gardens/
One of our choir members noticed a good idea at a church on vacation and in 5 years Feed My Lambs has grown to provide several tons of food each year for our partner schools to help them support families that are food insecure. The concept is simple, one Sunday a month we put out our “Bag Tree” and folks take a shopping bag and a list home with them. As they shop for the week, they also prayerfully pick out groceries for these families in need and return the bag to church the next Sunday.
The food is then sorted and delivered to the schools for distribution to students.
You can participate in this program at any time! If you would like a bag and a shopping list, just stop by the office and request one, or grab one from the Narthex on “Bag Tree Sunday!”
the Christian Service Center for Central Florida, Inc. was established on June 1, 1971 to provide direct assistance for
individuals and families facing critical need. Ever since then, the Christian Service Center has provided the hurting of Central Florida with various programs designed to meet physical, emotional and spiritual needs, regardless of race, religion, age or gender. Hundreds of thousands of men, women and children have been served from its three locations in Downtown Orlando, West Orange County and Winter Park over the last 50+ years.
St. Michael’s is connected to the CSC through volunteerism, board service and donations. If you are interested in the wide varieties of service opportunities, please visit: https://www.christianservicecenter.org/volunteering
The Orlando Union Rescue Mission has provided life-transforming services in Central Florida for over 75 years.
While the ministry has grown and expanded throughout the years, our vision remains the same—providing new life, new goals, and a new future in Christ to the most vulnerable in our community.
Several of our members have been involved with this organization for decades. They have witnessed lives changed for the better. A wide variety of service opportunities are available from serving meals, working with children in the daycare, to mentoring both kids and adults, there is something for you! If you have a heart to serve at OURM you can find much more information on their website: https://www.ourm.org/volunteer/
One Heart for Women and Children’s mission is to provide necessary resources for struggling families as they transition through and overcome the hardships of daily living in the Central Florida region and beyond. Led by Stephanie Bowman, One Heart has become a frequent partner with St. Michael’s as we refer folks in need of food, clothing, or other basic needs as they come through our doors almost daily. They are our neighbors right here in College Park, right around the corner on Rio Grande.
If you would like to support One Heart or learn more about what they do, please visit their website at: https://oneheartorlando.org/
We are beginning our sixth year in partnership with Harbor House of Central Florida. They provide safe shelter, a 24-hour confidential crisis hotline, counseling, emotional support, and legal advocacy for survivors of domestic abuse and their children. Their holistic approach focuses on cost-effective solutions that can be applied anywhere, adjust easily to scale, and save lives.
St Michael’s has participated in several projects with them; however our main work has been supporting the Paws for Peace Kennel. Harbor House has the only on-site kennel in Central Florida for the pets of domestic abuse survivors at its Emergency Campus. The Paws for Peace Kennel removes a key barrier to survivors seeking help and safety and ensures no family member is left behind in an abusive home.
To learn more about Harbor House in general, please visit their website: https://www.harborhousefl.com/give-help/
Samaritan Village is a safe home and therapeutic program for adult survivors of sex trafficking. Their mission is to provide a safe place where sexually trafficked women can heal from trauma, recover from addiction, and reclaim their lives to become catalysts for change in their communities.
St. Michael’s serves in various capacities from donating floral arrangements to the residence homes, to volunteering at events, to furnishing bedrooms in their remodeled facilities.
There are many ways you can get involved from helping with residential classes (crafting, exercise, Bible Study, etc.), to administrative support, to residential support volunteer (on campus), to the transportation team.
For more information contact Mike or visit their website: https://www.samaritanvillage.net/